Employees, while they are already anxious, stressed, hard chalanges and facing burnout, they must be provided immediate help to preserve and improve their ability and performance skills. Understanding the situation, we have prepeared Corporates Mental care programe which are designed to turn your employees more fruiteful and result giving and this makes your company more healthy organization by your employees reaching on a different levels of mental wellness intervention needed by them.
For better results and better environment, our employees should be happy, dedicated, well-performer and progressive. And for all that they must be fit physically but also mentally. There are many factors which makes sick every person on earth during their routine life. That sickness never can be healed by any medicine or surgery. Those are called routine stress and depression which sometimes can lead a person upto suicidal tendencies. They are our employees and so we, being an employer, also become an indirect gaurdian to them. and to make them fruitful we have to, not intrude, but make available the required care for them.Each organisation's worst problem
Any medium and Large corporate has the worst challenge in thir business success that is not only to keep balanced their employee's performance but it should be progressive also. But what they find the way is if sales is happened to 500 crore this year then it should be 700 or 1000 crore next year in the name of "Growth"; while they forget to realise that this year sales achivement was already a great task for them. And so the employees, who were provided almost every facility and benefits from the company, start seeing their seniors never satishfiable person. and then he starts finding ways to jump over better salary offer, which, he knows, can not give better future. And he just jumps away with only reason to get a space from heavy challenges, and a hope we will get better seniors.
What was missing in above para which companies forget to add in "Growth"?
"Growth" never meant to company sales or its revenue. Companies often escape from liability by increasing their salaries and benefits but nothing else. While it also should encourage their employees to be recharged, rejavunated, resurged so that they start feeling challenges as fun only.
What actually happens?
Not only this pandemic situation, but even in normal era, the work load rises the uncertenity which generates deep stress and axiety which sieve their mental health as hell. Corporates should take special care, infact primary care for their mental care which can improve their emotional resilience skills which will start growing their work performamce as well as work environment satishfaction.
What can be done?
Being a corporate and a good employer, a company should keep arranging programs such as .... Self-awareness, Quick Meditation, Emotional Regulation,
Benefits of Programs
- Recovery from any/some trauma,
- Improvement of self confidence
- Clean and rejuvenate the vital energy channels
- Make them feel more balanced
- Fill the brain with positive and healing vibes
- Develop problem-solving ability
- Meditate with more concentration
- Handle post lockdown depression
- and many more....
How can we help?
We provide a costomised Mental Wellness Programs based on principles of Tantra to change your employees more able, aware, balanced, regulated, confident, filled
with positivity and capable to handle the more complex stress and depression.
Tantra, a Touch Therapy, lies on the principle
of Geo-physical science of magnetism.
Our programs are costomizable from per number of employees to available place for practice in your organisation or
at our studio in your city.
Our Mission
Our Mission is always to make achieve Tantra it's original recognition as a healing art, through which all many people can realise it's worth and use. Tantra needs to be trended as a different medical dimension like allopathy, homyopathy, aayurveda etc so that the Conceptual victims of negative energy could get healed. Spreading awareness about its use and technics and describe how it is different from sexual thoughts.
Our Vision
We see the future of Tantra as a reputed medical dimension which heals the patient without no machines and no medicines but only Touch Therapy and Meditation. Tantra has different courses which can make a person immune to all type of mental damages and illness may happen in future. It will be a good medium to stay stress-free and depression-free in future, which will help in development and stay happy. It will not remain any taboo and every person will see it in a respectable way.