तंत्रा अभ्यास

INR 4,55,000 (all inclusive)
for Gurgaon, Mumbai, Goa and Hyderabad Studio only
The ancient manuscripts of Tantra reveal the secrets of blissful life: what makes the bliss die out, and what makes it grow, how to integrate the power of tantra to create bliss in your life and trigger positive energy. This course will bring this ancient knowledge of tantra in a way that is easy to understand and need of our time, without altering the original knowledge of Tantra. All the abstract things that we will learn and practice will be explained in concrete form to intensify the competency of the practice through better understanding.Not only this but also many of the aspects that we will encounter in theory will be a part of the practice too, through meditation, demonstration, and practicals. And a daily reflection class will boost your progress every day.

for more information please visit Click Here

Note: Since cell phones are strictly forbidden, please turn them in at the front desk. If the session isn't taking place at our center, turn off your phone and store it in a box or cabinet. The practitioner will end the session if your phone rings.

  • This session is completely based on tantra principals
  • All the sessions from us are performed for the treatment purposes only.
  • We all have certified professionals..
  • No vulger touchings allowed.
  • No illegal activities are allowed.
  • We never share Therapist pictures.
  • One day prior reservation is required.
Duration 7 Days
Therapist Cross
Breathing Exercise Included
Chakra Practice Included
Treatment for Unisex
  1. She was ultimate. You just cant imagine a session like this. I´m willing to avail again

  2. This session was only ok compared to my previous session which was excellent

  3. Nuru session is excellent

  4. It is always a very professional therapy from Aadi Studio. The therapists are very punctual, clean and the therapy leaves you with an amazing sense of calm and freshness

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